This post is about taking a stand for the Kingdom of God, and it is for those who are followers of Jesus Christ. Taking a stand is more than saying you are a Christian. It is more than going to church. It is much more than wearing a WWJD wristband. Taking a stand for the Kingdom of God is living wholly for Jesus Christ, the King of the Kingdom.
You see, the world can see straight through one who claims to be a Christian, but does not live for the King. To live for the King, you must know the King, and live by His principles (the Word of God). He has given us the complete blueprint for living life...forever; the Word of God. How well do you know God's Word? Remember, it is your blueprint for living life. It is the only moral standard given from heaven among people. When one takes a stand for the Kingdom, he/she takes their stand upon the rock of the Word of God.
In our current time it is not only about you and me standing or falling. It is equally about others standing or falling - because of how we live for Him. One who claims to be a follower of Christ must always realize that their own life can determine whether or not someone else stands or falls! The answers to life's problems are found only within the rock upon which you and I commit to take a stand; the Rock of Ages...Jesus Christ. We must take our stand in these current, troubled times, because folks are desperately seeking King Jesus.
Taking a stand for the Kingdom affects the decisions you make. It means you are not swayed (at all) from the Word of God by criticism and/or persecution. It means that most (if not all) of the principles you stand on oppose those of this world. Taking a stand for God's Kingdom means you will be a peculiar person, but at the same time a holy possession of the King Himself. When you stand for the Kingdom of God amidst the kingdoms of this world, God will show Himself strong and mighty through you and for you, for the sake of His name.
And finally, when we take a stand for the Kingdom (and remain standing) in perilous times, heaven comes to earth; the supernatural shows up; and lives are impacted for His Kingdom. True Christianity is not for show. It's not A show. True Christianity changes the world - one soul at a time. So stand for the Kingdom in these last days. The force of temptation to falter has never been stronger. But the power of our almighty God has never been greater than it is at the present time. Don't sit back. Stand up! Don't compromise. Take your stand on the Rock of Ages! Souls are depending on you!
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