Tuesday, April 6, 2021

New Series: "Praying The Prayer/Confession Of Faith"

I'm very excited about my new series on Thursday evenings on my Facebook Live Cast! My current series is entitled "Praying The Prayer Of Faith". I'm be talking about how to have a "loaded or armed" prayer, or a "loaded or armed" confession, and how lives and things change when we pray the prayer of faith. You are invited to join me on Facebook Live every Thursday evening at 7:30 pm (EDT), 6:30 pm (CDT). Steve Hutto on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/steve.hutto.1

Also, my video teachings are also uploaded to my YouTube channel a couple of days after my Live Cast on Facebook. I invite you to visit my YouTube channel and SUBSCRIBE. Thanks! https://youtu.be/w9vs06ahIsg

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