What kind of an impact does your life have on people? I'm not asking how many people you have led to Jesus. But I am asking, how is your life impacting other people for Jesus? The only way any of us followers of Jesus can impact those around us is that we live our lives for Jesus. Jesus said, "I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing." (John 15: 5) When we bear much fruit, we impact others. But only through abiding in Jesus can we bear much fruit, and thus impact others. It's when we live more for the world that we have no Godly impact on others.
I remember years ago when I was first stationed in Germany. I had to go over without the family and live in the barracks - until I found an apartment for the family to live. It took 2 months to find, secure, and get orders cut to bring my family to Germany. One night, while I was still in the barracks, I was in the laundry room doing (you guessed it) laundry. I always took my Bible and read it while I was waiting on the clothes to finish. This particular night as I was reading, another Air Force G.I. happened to walk through. He noticed I was reading my Bible. He had just gotten into some legal trouble due to getting pretty drunk a few weeks earlier. He was facing a very serious charge. Because he saw me reading my Bible, he felt I had a connection with God! He asked if he could talk to me. He poured his heart out to me and later...Jesus! He was radically saved! The change in this young man's life was phenomenal. We were not even acquainted before that night.
I was just studying my Bible! But to this desperate young man, I represented hope. A couple of days later, his coworker came to me and wanted to receive Jesus. All I did was study my Bible in public! I have to say, I was very serious about studying God's Word...even in public!
According to John 15: 5, we bear fruit (make an impact) when we abide in Jesus. To abide is to dwell. To dwell is to live (totally exist in). You cannot "visit" Jesus every now and then and expect to make an impact on people. If you know more about your favorite sports team, or the latest Hollywood flick, than you do God's Word, you're not making an impact on someone else's life for Jesus. Listen to something else Jesus said. "Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven." (Matthew 5: 16)
Just a few years ago I was working in retail with a nationally known retailer. As I was taking a break for lunch one day, I paused to pray over my lunch. "Oh how profoundly spiritual!" you may say. But it is something I do in public or privately. I am truly grateful for ALL God provides for me and my family. At least 2 years later one of my co-workers contacted me on social media (after she had long left the business and the area) and thanked me for making it clear that day that I loved Jesus. She said that sparked a desire in her to return to her first love with Jesus. She is now serving Him faithfully and powerfully!
I don't consider myself a powerful Evangelist that goes around winning thousands to Jesus. But I do understand that we must impact the lives around us with the kingdom of Jesus. Living out loud for Jesus opens so many doors to demonstrate His love, and simply be obedient to Him. It's amazing what He will do when we live for Him. Just this week driving with a ride-share company I had the opportunity to pray for a toddler who had been having an asthma attack. I took his Mom to take him out of daycare early because of the attack. When she put him in the car he must have sneezed 250 times on the short ride back to his home. Holy Spirit spoke to me and said "Pray for this little toddler." So when we arrived back at their home I asked the Mom if I could pray for the little boy. She said "Of course!" I believe Jesus healed the little boy. I just wanted to make an impact. By the way, I hadn't met either of them before that day.
In our country and culture it's still very easy to live for Jesus. As bad as we think things are right now, we can make a tremendous impact on people who need God's touch! Our greatest challenge is that we may feel a bit embarrassed, or someone will be offended by us. Thank God, we won't be thrown in jail for making an impact!
People are hurting out in the world today. They need the love of Jesus. They need the supernatural touch of His Spirit. They need Christians to be bold in their walk with Jesus. You are the connection for them. You are the one between them and the life-changing love of Jesus. You could be the answer for someone today, tomorrow, or the day after. Live for Jesus!
Stop living for the world! Right now, I am talking to someone who is being stirred by this post! But perhaps you're afraid to step out boldly for Jesus. Ask Him to empower you with His Holy Spirit. Jesus said, "but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth." (Acts 1: 8) Notice Jesus didn't say "you shall witness for me both in Jerusalem..." He said "...you shall BE my witnesses..." When the Holy Spirit empowers you, you become His witness. You exist as His witness. What does one who exists as a witness do? They witness! How does one witness? You live for Jesus...24X7! You look and listen for opportunities to BE that witness He has made you to be.
Please join with me in standing up, especially as the darkness continues to grow in our land. The Apostle Paul says, "Where sin abounds, grace abounds even more!" So no matter how dark it gets, the light of Jesus in you will always be much, much brighter; and it will always dispel the darkness!
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