There is a word we use quite often in our vocabulary. It is a powerful word. It can be used positively or it can be used negatively. The essence of this word can change situations. It has been known to move mountains. No, I'm not talking about faith. This word has produced victory in the worst of situations. In the midst of incredibly impossible scenarios this word causes folks to prevail. Without the force behind the word, faith would be impossible. The word is "Hope".
Hope proclaims a multitude of messages, all with one result...victory. Messages like, "It's never too late!" Or, "It's not over yet!" How about this one, "God's not done with me yet!" Another, "Sin may abound in this world, but I will stand in the grace of God!" Here's one that has molded my entire life, "With God....all things are possible!
While the word hope proclaims a multitude of messages (all resulting in victory), these messages are relative to the person who anchors themselves in such hope. No situation is identical from person to person. However, hope extends its victory to every person!
There is another side of this coin that can bring defeat, instead of victory. The road to defeat is forged by the power of the word "hopelessness". Hopelessness is drastically opposed to Hope. However, understand...hope is far more powerful than hopelessness. That is why the Bible is very adamant and direct about the power of hope. "Why are you in despair, O my soul? And why have you become disturbed within me? Hope in God, for I shall yet praise Him, the help of my countenance and my God." (Psalm 42:11) David seems almost baffled that his soul could even reach the depths of despair. But even when it does, he commands his soul to hope in God. David declares he will again praise God almighty, the one who puts the smile on his face.
From David's example we learn that discouragement, despair, even depression will attempt to grip us. But the key is to NEVER lose hope. Hope leads us forward and upward. Hope says, "It's not too late." Hope says, "God has something better for me ahead." Again, hope says, "It's not over yet...the best is yet to come."
In these last days, hope in Jesus Christ will be the force that moves us in victory. There will be no other way. Humanity's finest accomplishments will not be enough to bring us success, protection, and deliverance. Only hope in our supernatural God.
Remember, hope is not anchored in your past. It is not anchored in humanity. It's not anchored in the world's current events. But genuine, despair-defying hope is anchored in Jesus. With Him all things are possible! I love that old adage, "It's not over till it's over." And the good news for you and me's NOT over! Put your hope in our mighty God!
Finding Hope When Life Seems Dark: Hosea, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah By Kay Arthur In this booklet you'll study five of the prophets who ministered to both the northern and southern kingdoms before the exile of the southern kingdom to Babylon. Though God commissioned His prophets to preach unique messages to different audiences, He gave them a common theme—hope when life seems dark. As you study these, you too will find hope. Group or individual study includes a daily guide to help you discover truth for yourself, questions for discussion, a thought for the week, and a memory challenge. |
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