God’s grace is the manifestation of His love for the whole
world. “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that
whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” (John 3:16) God gave Jesus for us to believe in Him. When we truly do, we are saved. Could it really be that simple? Absolutely!
To believe in Him is to trust in Him however, not just believe He exists. Many folks believe He exists, but live their lives as though they don't trust in Him. To believe in Him is to trust your soul to Him. The result is salvation, and you become His child. "But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name..." (John 1:12) This is God's grace. This is God's unmerited favor. Trust in the One whom God sent, and you will be saved. And when you do, you become His. He did this for you and me through the cross. No amount of work, no amount of sacrifice, and no amount of offering can earn this for us. He did it. Our part is to believe Him and receive Him. It's that simple!
God's grace is extended for the salvation of souls. However, His grace goes far beyond being saved from hell. His grace gave us Jesus, the Way to heaven. But it goes much higher than the way to heaven. God's grace is infinite. The grace of God will change your destination. And it is also intended to change your destiny.
"And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth." (John 1:14) This Scripture says Jesus became one of us and lived among us. He came from God the Father. He was full of grace and truth. Jesus was not only the Way, the Life, and the Truth, but He was full of grace. That is amazing to me. He was sent by grace and He was full of grace. "For of His fullness we have all received, and grace upon grace." (John 1:16) How did we receive His fullness? Through His grace simply by believing (and believing continuously). When do we receive His fullness? When we trust our complete lives to Him. God made it all possible by sending Jesus to the cross for you and me. His work is done. Ours is simply to believe.
The above verse says through grace we have received Jesus' fullness. Have you ever thought about this? Everything Jesus is; His essence, His nature, His mind, His love, His heart, His power, His authority, His ministry, His healing, His miracles, His provision, His thoughts, His Word, (I could go on for awhile here) we have received. That's the fullness of Jesus. And that's what He has provided through grace!
Think about the ministry of Jesus. Study carefully how He lived and ministered on the earth. He never lacked. He brought healing. He brought love. He performed miracles. He proclaimed truth. To live less than Jesus lived is to lack full understanding of the grace of God. But we have received the fullness of Jesus Christ. My...this is great news! I'm not just saved (thank God for that), but I am an ambassador for Jesus Christ! I'm not only going to heaven, but I represent heaven on earth...now! None of this would be possible without the grace of my God! What an awesome God we serve!
My encouragement to followers of Christ: Understand the grace of God. Understand it goes beyond vacancies in hell and reservations in heaven. Understand that God so loved you that He gave His Son Jesus, the only One of His kind so you could partake of His fullness. He didn't do it on the basis of our good works or merits. He did it by His infinite grace.
Let me close by urging you to consider the word "fullness". "And He (God) put all things in subjection under His (Jesus') feet, and gave Him as head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all." You are the body of Christ in the earth. You are the church, you who have received Jesus. Therefore you are the fullness of Him in the earth today. The world cries out for the manifestation of the fullness of Jesus Christ. You are it.
Loving the Love of Your Life By Mark Gilroy / Thomas Nelson |
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