It's that time of year when many folks celebrate the birth of Jesus. Even though the exact month and date of His birth is unknown, it is still a very special time of the year. Most of the world (even other religions) at least acknowledge His coming. However, to followers of Christ, one of the greatest attributes of His coming is the miracle of His birth. It is the way Jesus was born that infuses Him with the authority to defeat all evil. No one else has ever been conceived and born in such a manner. It was truly a miracle; a miracle like none other.
Others like Isaac, Samuel, and John the Baptist were born through miraculous circumstances, but only Jesus was born of a virgin. This miracle establishes with extreme significance who He was and is. I want to encourage you to focus on this miracle this year. If you do, the significance of His coming and the significance of His sacrifice will mean much more to you.
Others like Isaac, Samuel, and John the Baptist were born through miraculous circumstances, but only Jesus was born of a virgin. This miracle establishes with extreme significance who He was and is. I want to encourage you to focus on this miracle this year. If you do, the significance of His coming and the significance of His sacrifice will mean much more to you.
What is so miraculous about His birth? The miracle is that He was born of a virgin. He was born through Mary, a young woman who had never had relations with a man. So who was the father of Jesus? The Bible clearly states that God is His Father. Did God have relations with Mary? No, not in the natural sense. Of course not. Remember Mary was a virgin meaning she had no relations with anyone. So how did this happen. It was supernatural. God is supernatural, and when He moves it is...well...supernatural.
This is how the Scripture describes it: "The Holy Spirit will come upon you (Mary), and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; and for that reason the holy Child shall be called the Son of God." (The Angel Gabriel to Mary in Luke 1:35) I've seen God do many miracles in my walk with Him. I once saw a man with a broken foot get instantly healed. How did that happen? The Holy Spirit came upon him. I saw a crippled man in India get instantly healed. How did that happen? The Holy Spirit came upon him, God's power overshadowed him, and he was healed. Miraculous! When the Holy Spirit comes upon a person, and the power of the Most High overshadows them...the supernatural happens. This is what happened to the virgin Mary. And the reason the child Jesus was called the Son of God is because He was the result of the Holy Spirit coming upon Mary, and the power of God the Father overshadowing her. By virtue of this event He was literally born of God (into this world).
The birth of Jesus is much more than an event. It is more than something we celebrate at a certain time of the year. The conception and birth of Jesus is a miracle performed by God for you and me. God used this miracle to establish the significance of His coming to earth. Only God in the flesh could be an acceptable sacrifice for the sins of mankind. Only a human being without sin could qualify to pay the price of the penalty sin demanded for humanity. Only God Himself, in the form of a man could hang on the cross totally without spot or blemish or sin and take away the sins of the world.
This is how the Scripture describes it: "The Holy Spirit will come upon you (Mary), and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; and for that reason the holy Child shall be called the Son of God." (The Angel Gabriel to Mary in Luke 1:35) I've seen God do many miracles in my walk with Him. I once saw a man with a broken foot get instantly healed. How did that happen? The Holy Spirit came upon him. I saw a crippled man in India get instantly healed. How did that happen? The Holy Spirit came upon him, God's power overshadowed him, and he was healed. Miraculous! When the Holy Spirit comes upon a person, and the power of the Most High overshadows them...the supernatural happens. This is what happened to the virgin Mary. And the reason the child Jesus was called the Son of God is because He was the result of the Holy Spirit coming upon Mary, and the power of God the Father overshadowing her. By virtue of this event He was literally born of God (into this world).
The birth of Jesus is much more than an event. It is more than something we celebrate at a certain time of the year. The conception and birth of Jesus is a miracle performed by God for you and me. God used this miracle to establish the significance of His coming to earth. Only God in the flesh could be an acceptable sacrifice for the sins of mankind. Only a human being without sin could qualify to pay the price of the penalty sin demanded for humanity. Only God Himself, in the form of a man could hang on the cross totally without spot or blemish or sin and take away the sins of the world.
Jesus came to be the sacrifice for our sins. However, the sacrifice had to be sinless...without spot, blemish, or sin. No animal or human being could come close to qualifying. But...if our sinless God became one of us He could. Listen to the words of Hebrews 4:14-15, "For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin. Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need." Jesus, our High Priest can sympathize with us because He became one of us. A miracle!
This year as we celebrate His birth and His coming to the earth, let's focus on the miracle of His birth. No other religion came lay claim to the truth that their god was born of man and God through a young virgin. That is miraculous! Only those who follow after Jesus Christ can do so. What a substantial, faith-building miracle! The miracle of His birth.
This year as we celebrate His birth and His coming to the earth, let's focus on the miracle of His birth. No other religion came lay claim to the truth that their god was born of man and God through a young virgin. That is miraculous! Only those who follow after Jesus Christ can do so. What a substantial, faith-building miracle! The miracle of His birth.
Why the Nativity? 25 Compelling Reasons We Celebrate the Birth of Jesus By David Jeremiah / Tyndale House In Why the Nativity? 25 Compelling Reasons We Celebrate the Birth of Jesus, author David Jeremiah addresses the top 25 questions frequently asked about the birth of Jesus. He discusses how Jesus' birth changed both world history and the lives of countless people. Read this book and this year when your friends and neighbors ask, "What's all the hoopla about Christmas?," you'll be ready. Includes discussion questions. Paperback. |
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