Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Time That Transforms

Goodness gracious!  I had a great time with Jesus this morning.  I simply love the early morning!  It's that time of day when I get alone with the God who created our universe. Yea, He's a big God, but He spent one-on-one time with me this morning.  Just God and me!  You may have spent time with him simultaneously, but still...He was with me!! That's how big He is. But what I really, really love about Jesus is that he is also very intimate.  He waits longingly for us to come to Him, just to be with Him.  Just He and you (or me)!

the Word says His mercies are new each morning.  Well, if His mercies are new each morning so is His presence.  You can't live today solely on what you received yesterday (or last week).  The fact that His mercies are new each day strongly confirm that His presence is also fresh and new each day.  Without His infinite mercy we would not experience one lick of His presence!

It is incredible to experience the freshness of His Spirit along with the freshness of a brand new day.  There is no doubt it forms one's outlook of the entire day.  Time in God's presence transforms a feelings riddled, negative outlook of the day into a "God is in control" and "I'm expecting God to do great exploits through me!" kind of a day.  Let me encourage you to make an appointment with God each day.  Give up a little sleep if you have to.  God is much greater than the amount of sleep you lose.  And He is definitely greater than the weakness you may feel as a result of losing an hour of sleep. According to Paul, God is strongest through us when we are weaker!  so make that appointment...and keep it!  You will be blessed!

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