Could one actually explain how to obey a blog post? Why not? To obey God is to serve God. And from what I've learned...serving God is really very, very simple. You see, we humans tend to take things that are simple and find ways to complicate them. At least we are good at that. We are no different when it comes to obeying God. We make it complicated. God never intended obeying Him to be complicated or unattainable.
The simplicity of obeying God is made possible from having a genuine relationship with Jesus, God's Son. Most everyone knows Jesus came ultimately to restore our relationship with God. To meet Jesus is the beginning of a relationship with Him (and God). The more you know Him, the deeper your relationship with Him. The deeper your relationship with Him, the more you love Him. According to Jesus we are commanded to "Love the Lord our God with all our heart, and with all our soul, and with all our mind, and with all our strength." (Mark 12: 30) It's much easier to obey someone you love (and know) as opposed to someone you are only acquainted with. It's the same in marriage. Many couples struggle to love and cherish one another simply because they don't know each other; even after many years of marriage. They are acquainted...even married! But they don't know the depth of love that only comes through a genuine, growing relationship.
How does one obey God? You first must know Him. Not just accept Him...but know Him. This requires an on-going, ever-growing relationship with Him. How does this happen? Through regular communion with Him in prayer, study of His Word, praise and worship, and hanging out with His people. I believe most Christians know this. If so, all you need to do is take the next step. Develop a relationship with Him. Discover the depths of His unfailing love. When you know Him deeply, you know His heart. When you know His heart and His desires, you can't help but long to fulfill them! That's how you obey Him.
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