Sunday, January 23, 2011

How Am I Blessed? Let Me Count the Ways

If I were to ask you what the greatest blessings in your life were...would would you say?  Would you need some time to think about it?  Or not?  I've been thinking about that question lately since I've already asked myself!  Answers immediately came gushing out of my mind!  Let me name just a few:  Of course, giving my life to Jesus and having a wonderful relationship with Him is on top.  Marrying the woman of my dreams is right up there.  Having 4 incredible children and now 7 incredible grandchildren establish the fact that I'm the most blessed man in the world!  I could go on and on.  Sometimes I have to stop and ponder all the ways and means God has abundantly blessed my life.  He is truly a good and faithful God.  His ways are not always my ways.  And His ways are definitely NOT the world's ways.

The world measures success and "blessedness" by what you accomplish on your own and by how much you have.  If by yourself you achieve greatness you are successful according to the world.  If you have a lot of stuff and it is the are blessed.  The world has man looking for "blessedness" in all the wrong places.  The world's blessings are temporary and are left behind when we leave this life.

How do we acquire the proper perspective on being truly blessed?  It comes out of a healthy, growing relationship with Jesus.  To have prayed the "sinner's" prayer is not enough.  However, to walk with Him 24 X 7 is!  To follow after Him on a daily basis is more than enough.  I don't know about you, but even in my walk with Jesus there are times I can get worldly.  My priorities need to be examined and checked during those times.  These are times when my eyes are attracted by the things and people of the world.  I begin to compare...and that's when trouble starts!  But walking closely to Jesus allows Him to live through you and me.  Yes, He may live "in" you, but are you allowing Him to live "through" you?  That's His objective and should be ours as well.  When we are allowing Jesus to live "through" us we become His hands and feet right here in our realm on the earth.

And finally, when He lives through you and me, not only are we His hands and His feet, but we are His eyes and ears.  We see what He sees and hear what He hears.  Believe me, Jesus knows exactly how incredibly blessed you are!  How?  Aside from being the One who blessed...He sees His own results in you!  I encourage you to stop for just awhile and ponder the blessings in your life that are yours as a result of knowing Him.  It won't take you long fo realize just how truly blessed you are.  What about it?

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