Saturday, January 8, 2011

I Notice Things

I happen to be one of those guys who notices things.  Sometimes I really can't help it.  I just seem to make observations.  I really like that.  The weird thing is that I am not really a "detail" person.  I just notice things.  Occasionally I'll ask Connie, "Have you ever noticed that person's accent?"  Or, "Did you notice the way they didn't pronounce the "g" at the end of a word ending in "ing?"  It's really not criticizing.  It's just noticing things!  When I was a kid my friends and I were at a Saturday afternoon matinee.  I noticed a jet vapor trail in the sky as two cowboys were riding the range. was a western!  I couldn't help it.

Well...I've noticed that when someone really believes in something, they not only talk about it, but they live proportionally to the degree they believe!  I just notice that.  Their actions are the indisputable evidence of what they believe!  "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen."  (Hebrews 11:1)  Let's understand that this very popular scripture not only means believing for things you don't have, but acting as if you had them.  In addition it clearly means living for the One we can't see, out of a conviction that He is more real than peanut butter with ice cream!  When we live what we believe...people notice.

James talks about faith.  Not man-made, common faith.  But a supernatural faith that motivates a person to serve others and do incredible things for God.  He says, "You can show me your faith by talking about it til the cows come home.  But...I will show you my genuine faith - by what I DO".  (Steve's paraphrase.  Love me through it!)

The calling on your life and my life is to walk by faith in God and His Word.  God is so ingenious.  You see, as we walk by faith, we walk according to what and Who we believe in.  It is a witness much greater than lip service.  Our actions and our lifestyles scream of the reality of the God who saves.  The evidence of what we believe is lived out!  How incredible is that witness!  People are drawn to the genuineness of Jesus in us.  Let's make sure we are living what we believe and not just talking about it.  What do you think?

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