According to Jesus Himself, He has chosen you! You didn't choose Him. He chose you! What a powerful, encouraging truth! I'll say it again. He chose you. Not only did Jesus choose you, He appointed you! This means His choice (not yours) was you. It also means He selected you. Did you realize that? The Lord and Creator of the universe selected you. The fact that it had nothing to do with anything you (or I) did, He still chose and selected you and me. Never forget, you are chosen!
It didn't stop there though. He chose you and has appointed you. This means (from the original language) Jesus has ordained you and given you purpose. Jesus has placed His hand on you by choosing you, ordaining you, and giving you purpose, as you live your life for Him.
You may ask "What is my purpose?" It's quite clear. "That you would go and bear fruit, and that your fruit would remain." Yes, Jesus has a specific destiny for you. Your specific destiny will become clear when you first believe that He has chosen you and appointed for the purpose of bearing fruit that has eternal significance.
When I realized, by the Holy Spirit that Jesus had actually called me by name, and that He has appointed me to bear fruit for His glory, I immediately saw my purpose for Him on this planet. The things that I deeply desired to do for Him since the day of my salvation became abundantly clear to me. I became convinced of my calling!
Many followers of Jesus struggle with the truth that Jesus would call them to do anything. But this thinking is based on what you think of yourself, not on what He knows about you. It may be based on what others may think about you. It can also be the result of comparing yourself to others who do what you desire to do. But you be encouraged, because you didn't choose Him, He chose you and appointed you. I'm sure you will agree that Jesus knows much more about you than you do.
And finally, the fruit that remains has eternal significance. It is fruit that remains throughout days, weeks, months, years, decades, and more. It's the kind of fruit that prompts folks in heaven to walk up to you and thank you for the answering the call upon your life. It then is no surprise that whatever you ask Father God in Jesus name (the One who chose and appointed you), He will give to you abundantly. What He gives lasts eternally.
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