Monday, February 7, 2022

Honduras Outreach 2022 Report


Harvest Missions' recent outreach to Honduras, March 11th - 18th was very successful! We made new contacts in new areas. What a blessing! In addition we ministered to many children in various places. We were extremely blessed by Pastor Manfredy Zelay and his incredible staff as they saw that our area need was met while we were there.
 Our 5-person team consisted of one from Mississippi, two from the Dominican Republic, and two from Alabama. God orchestrated and coordinated the team to do exactly what He wanted done. There were some physical challenges, but all were overcome by the blood of Jesus and His incredible power!
We were able to minister in three churches while there. God moved tremendously. One of the highlights of our outreach was the very special Pastor's banquet we held our last night in Honduras. What a blessing to spend part of the day and the evening with these Pastors. One pastor and some of his staff came all the way from the North Coast of Honduras. This required an 8-hour bus trip, one way!
Of course, another highlight of our trip was the afternoon we spent in the village of Concordia with the awesome children! None of our 11 outreaches (so far) has been without this special time with the children!

Thank you for ALL the prayers before, during, and after our outreach. They clearly made the difference!

Steve Hutto, Harvest Missions

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