Are You A Participator Or A Spectator?

My first trip to India was the one that radically changed my life as a follower of Christ. I was the Pastor of a church which regularly supported an Indian pastor. My purpose for my first trip to India was more visionary than anything else. I wanted to get a good look at where the church's finances were going, and how it was being used. This particular purpose ... (Read more.)
What You May Not Know About Marriage
Marriage is an institution. It is an institution established by God Himself. If you are a Christ-follower a keen understanding of this can revolutionize your marriage. If you're not a Christ-follower what I am about to share can draw you to the cross of Jesus.
The institution of marriage was established immediately after God took one of Adam's ribs and made Eve in the Garden of Eden. The Bible says, "For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife and they shall become one flesh." (Genesis 2:24) For what reason?...(Read More.)
Will Jesus Return Soon?
Can you see what I see? Can you sense what I am sensing? It really doesn't take much to see and feel that we are living in very interesting times. If you are a student of the Bible much of what is happening in this world and in the heavens today is not really surprising. It's been prophesied, we've read about it for years, and now we are seeing it come to pass.
I am not an "end-time specialist" but since I am a student of the Word, and live in the end times, I can sense we are very, very near to the return of Jesus. (Read more.)
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