Friday, October 18, 2013

Will Jesus Return Soon?

Can you see what I see? Can you sense what I am sensing? It really doesn't take much to see and feel that we are living in very interesting times. If you are a student of the Bible much of what is happening in this world and in the heavens today is not really surprising. It's been prophesied, we've read about it for years, and now we are seeing it come to pass.

I am not an "end-time specialist" but since I am a student of the Word, and live in the end times, I can sense we are very, very near to the return of Jesus. It used to be very easy to "write off" world events as events that happened before and will happen again; saying that "history once again repeats itself". We must be very careful at this point not to assume that the world events of this time are simply history repeating itself. Instead, they are prophesies unfolding...before our very eyes. 

There are three major factors that reveal the return of Jesus is near. One is the fact that time seems to snowballing. I don't think anyone can deny that time is hurling forward at a rate like never before. God's time clock is ticking toward that time when the fullness of the Gentiles will be complete. (See Romans 11) When that point is reached, the New Testament Age (age of the church) will be finished. Are we in the last days? We've been in the last days since the Holy Spirit was poured out during the Feast of Pentecost 2000 years ago. We are now in the "latest" of the last days.

Another factor that indicates Jesus' return is near is technology. The development of technology doubles about every one and a half to two years. That is amazing? Just 25 years ago the cell phone was not even heard of. There is practically no (inhabitable) place on the face of the earth that has not been touched by the latest technology. People in third world countries, living on the streets, walk around using smart phones! Every day that passes, technology speedily advances...enabling the Gospel of Jesus to be proclaimed to every tongue, nation, and tribe. (Matt. 24:14), Jesus said, "This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come." Technology is allowing us to do just that.

The third factor is the signs of the times. One sign is that darkness will increase. Paul, speaking about the judgment of the law versus the grace of God said, "Where sin abounds, grace abounds even more." In other words, the darker our world becomes, the stronger the grace of God is in the midst of it all. These last days are the most powerful of all times for the New Testament church. Followers of Christ must realize this and act accordingly. It's time to shine in the darkest of darkness! Many people will die without Jesus if we don't recognize the signs of the time we are in, and the power available to us to live out loud for Jesus.

(Matt. 24:36,44), "But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone. 44 For this reason you also must be ready; for the Son of Man is coming at an hour when you do not think He will." Yes Jesus says that only the Father knows the day and the hour. But that doesn't mean He couldn't come this week, or this month, or this year, or this decade. And tell me, can you really guaranty that He won't return this day or this hour? Jesus said the signs of the times would indicate to us that His return is near. In other words, He will communicate to us His return is near through the signs of the times. He said there would be signs in the heavens, the sun, the moon, and the stars. Speaking of these signs Jesus said, "But when these things begin to take place, straighten up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near." (Luke 21: 28)

According to NASA and other experts, in the next couple of years we will see some very usual occurrences in the heavens involving the sun and the moon. The very interesting part is that these occurrences coincide with crucial Jewish feasts which take place in the Spring and Fall. And in the last 500 years, every time this has happened, major events took place that changed History.

My point is not to sound gloomy. And again, I am no "end times expert". My point is to stress the fact that things are changing and we must notice them. Jesus said things would happen before His return. He said certain signs would take place to alert us to His return. Even though we must always be ready for His return - He still warns us...just in case. This is grace!

Many believers don't actually believe Jesus will return in their life time. Even if He doesn't, is this any reason to live as if we don't think He will return? What if He does? Are you ready? Are you looking up? And what about the signs? Can you see what I see? Can you sense what I sense?

24381EB: Preparing for Jesus" Return: Daily Live the Blessed Hope - eBook Preparing for Jesus' Return: Daily Live the Blessed Hope - eBook
By A.W. Tozer & James L. Snyder(Ed.)

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