Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Danger of Satisfaction

I don't know about you, but from a natural, food kind of a standpoint - I'm not a fan of being hungry. My stomach growls and rolls, and the hunger pangs simply make me uncomfortable. I'm sure you're not like this, but sometimes I even get just a wee bit ornery when I am hungry. Being hungry is NOT something I wake up every morning and look forward to.

On the other hand, (just being honest) I love to eat. No, not all the time....just when I'm hungry. I love the feeling of sitting down to a good meal, because I am about to alleviate my hunger. I love the feeling of being satisfied!  Sorry, I just do.

The problem is I don't want to do anything when I am satisfied. I just want to lay around and engage in a good siesta. Whatever I do from this point, I push myself to do, why? Because the satisfaction of being satisfied has taken away my drive to get back to the table where I can get more. It is only when I become hungry again my drive for more increases and compels me back to the table.

The truth is God created you and me to have healthy appetites. The loss of appetite is a sign that a person is sick or not completely healthy.

The same is true for our spiritual appetites. We either hunger for God or we don't. Why would a follower of Christ not hunger for more of God? Because they have no appetite for God. There is no greater feeling than being filled to overflowing by God's Spirit. It can be a life-changing experience. However, we cannot live on just one "filling" experience. Sooner or later our spirit needs even more! Ephesians 5:18 says we are to "be filled with the Spirit". This is an on-going process. To think "I have all I need" is a very dangerous deception. There is always more!

The danger comes when we begin to believe we have enough; when we're convinced we are satisfied! When we believe we have enough, we don't hunger for more. When we don't hunger for more we fall into the rut of the status quo. The rut of the status quo keeps us from advancing in our walk with God, thus hindering our advancing the kingdom of God.

Listen to what the Apostle Paul told Timothy, his spiritual son: "And for this reason I remind you to kindle afresh the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands." (2 Timothy 1:6) At an earlier time Paul had laid his hands on Timothy and imparted to him the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Paul was telling Timothy to stir up this gift. It had been too long. It was time for a fresh infilling! Seek God's presence until you receive more! That's how you stir up the gift!

What about you? Are you trudging through your Christian walk with not much of an appetite for God? Yes I know you're saved and filled with the Holy Spirit. But if you have no appetite for more of God's Spirit, the truth need more of God's Spirit! Seek Him for more. Admit to Him you need more. Don't relent until He satisfies you again. Once you are Him for even more!
Steve is  available to teach/preach God's Word in churches, conferences, workshops, special meetings and groups. Some of the subjects include prayer, praise and worship, marriage, missions, etc., among others. If I can serve you please contact me at

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