You will probably agree with me when I say one major quality the world lacks today is the quality of leadership. I'm not just talking about national and world leadership. I'm talking about leadership period. The truth is good leadership is actually the affect of serving and following. It takes a servant's heart to follow. And the greatest leaders are actually great servants. Check out history. The leaders who have made the greatest positive impact are the ones who were actually great servants/followers. Those who have made the greatest negative impact were those who were consumed with self-agenda and exalted themselves by force...the opposite of serving/following. But then...they weren't really true leaders.
Jesus is the greatest leader example. He made the greatest positive impact on all of mankind. Every decision Jesus made while on the earth impacted you and me and myriads of others for all eternity. Jesus is also the greatest servant that ever lived. He is the greatest follower. Philippians 2 says that even though He was equal with God, He laid aside His kingly privileges and came to earth as a bond-servant to God. In John 5:30 Jesus states, "I can do nothing on My own initiative. As I hear, I judge; and My judgment is just, because I do not seek My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me." He truly gave up all to come to the earth and follow His father. What an example! What an impact! Now, when we follow intently after Him, we can impact others as He did. So in essence, Godly leadership is the result of following intently after God/Jesus. The principle of Godly leadership is born first out of the principle of following/serving. That is opposite of the world's principle of leadership. According to the world, a leader climbs the ladder by deception, dishonesty, degrading others, and self-promotion.
Effective leadership is realized by following the right source! Here's an example: A worship leader. I am always telling worship leaders (which includes every member of the worship team) you cannot lead people where you have not been. Jesus calls that "...the blind leading the blind." (See Matthew 15:14) He said both will fall into a pit! Too many worship leaders are just that...the blind leading the blind. A true worship leader (one who leads others into the presence of God) will spend quality time in God's presence...worshiping Him. A true worship leader's priority is to seek God's face every single day in order to follow Him. When he or she stands before the people they are effective in leading people to God. Why? Because they've been there and know the way!
Do you really want to impact others? Are you serving Jesus and others? If so, keep it up because you are making a difference. Lay down your personal agenda. If you are convinced God gave you your personal agenda, lay it before Him anyway. Serve Him and others. God will increase the gift He has placed upon you. Remember...ALL gifts from God are energized by Him only when our first priority is to follow and serve Him and others. Please pray for all who are in positions of leadership in your world. But also pray they will be great followers of those who are already making a difference. The greatest One being Jesus!
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