If you are reading this post you are involved in the Social Media. Millions of folks around the globe are involved regularly in some form of Social Media. What is Social Media? Wikipedia says Social Media is..."the use of web-based and mobile technologies to turn communication into interactive dialogue." This is probably the most basic definition and the most explanatory. The Social Media uses the internet and mobile phone technologies. If you use Face Book, My Space, Twitter, blogging, e-mail, Google Buzz, Skype, messaging, texting, (and more), you are involved in Social Media.
How powerful is Social Media? Recently people have committed suicide because of personal information revealed about them on Social Media. Bullying has affected many lives through Social Media. Social Media may have been integral to the Arab revolutions and revolts this year. Literally any type of information is available through the Social Media. Threats to our nation's security are increasing because of the influence and power of Social Media.
Those are just a few of the negative influences of Social Media. What about it's positive influences? Large numbers of people can be reached through Social Media...and very quickly. Distance has no effect on us through Social Media. I have friends on the other side of the world I can communicate with at any time. I'm not just talking about e-mail. I'm talking about carrying on a real-time dialogue...with people anywhere in the world...face to face! It's a small world after all because of the Social Media. If I come upon a beautiful sunset, I can share it with you in just seconds on your smart phone (no matter which part of the world you live in) through Social Media.
Social Media can be a waste of time if we are not careful. We can be addicted to the "Social" aspect of it. We are created to be social. We are created to interact with other humans: those in the room with us or those on the other side of the planet. We are social beings by nature. This can cause us to become addicted! Not only do we want to know what everyone is doing (at the moment), but we want everyone else to know what we are doing (at the moment). " just checked in at the bathroom and is sitting on the " Well you know what I mean. This is not evil. But it can consume too much of the time we need to be constructive with our lives.
To me the greatest influence of Social Media is its power to share the Gospel of Jesus. Not only the Gospel, but the Word of God completely. Social Media can be a vehicle to "encourage one another day after day as it is still called today" as the writer of Hebrews penned. To me technology is not evil. It can be very positive and very effective in changing lives. Social Media can be very worldly like the TV media and Hollywood. But it can be very Godly as it proclaims the message of the Word of God around the globe. I for one thank God for Social Media because of the tools it presents to change the lives of people. I see it as a very, very powerful force in these last days to reach the world for Christ, and to help to train up those who already know Him. And yes, thank God it IS a small world after all! Let's take advantage of it.
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