Thursday, November 22, 2012

Where Are The Godly Men?

There are many more men of God out there than we know. There are many more than we see with our eyes. You see, a man of God is not simply someone who preaches, or is the pastor of a church. A man of God is not simply an Evangelist or a Missionary. Simply stated (as I so often do), a man of God is a Godly man! Any man who is Godly is a man of God.

Why do I not see more men of God? Because most men of God don't realize who and what they are - men of God. The truth is, God intends for all male believers to be men of God. He can change cultures and societies through men who sell out to Jesus and live wholly for Him; men who uncompromisingly stand for the righteousness of God. However, if the enemy can thwart this, our cultures and societies continue to degrade and become more and more God-less.

Men, God intends for you to be prime examples of living for Jesus at home and on the job - even in the ministry. If you could get an advance glimpse of the difference you would make in lives, you would stand up this instant - for Jesus!

So how do you become manifested as a man of God? As a born-again male, you must know what God says about you! Paul says in 2 Corinthians 5:21, "He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him." Jesus became sin on our behalf so that we might become the righteousness of God, in Jesus. So...if you truly know Jesus are the righteousness of God! This is not something you feel, it is an immutable truth you must know and believe. Jesus did this, not you. So nothing you can do can take that away from you. One more are the righteousness of God!

Why would a man of God not feel like a man of God? Why would a man of God not believe he is a man of God? Simple...because of the sin he allows in his life. Sin separates us from intimacy with God. Allowed sin makes a wimp out of a God-ordained warrior. (We need less wimps and more warriors in our world.) Sin produces guilt, that produces the lie "I'm not worthy to be a man of God." But listen, your worthiness is not based on your actions, it is based on what Jesus did for you! No, you cannot be a man of God and practice sin at the same time. But God, rich in mercy (and because He's redeemed you) gives you the choice. Choose right now to be a man of God!

The ingredient that qualifies a man to be a man of God is integrity. I used the word "ingredient" because integrity must be part of the essence of the man of God. Its workings are from the inside out. Integrity cannot be duplicated by action; it must be an inward motivation, thus affecting outward conduct. What is integrity? Integrity is soundness of moral character. It is plain ole honesty. The man of God is not perfect and flawless, but he does walk in integrity. He adheres to moral character and honesty. A man of integrity understands that when no one else is watching, God sees. He loves His wife so deeply, that being unfaithful would simply break his own heart. He understands that no circumstance or no amount of peer pressure makes it OK to sink from God's eternal standard of righteousness. When he slips and falls, he immediately makes it right with God, gets back up, and moves for God.

Man of God, are you struggling to be a man of God? Has sin caused you to be powerless? Stop sinning! Get back up! Pursue God! Move forward. You are still the righteousness of Christ Jesus. You are needed, O man of God, to influence your family, friends, coworkers, and those who hunger for the manifestation of the God men. You can make a difference. The choice is yours!

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